Maintenance Shutdowns
NDT maintenance shutdowns are pivotal procedures designed to assess and ensure the integrity of industrial equipment without causing any damage. These scheduled pauses in operation allow for thorough examinations, catching potential failures before they occur, and thereby ensuring the safety, efficiency, and longevity of equipment.
Prime Inspections specializes in detecting corrosion, cracks, and other imperfections in critical machinery during maintenance shutdowns by utilizing a range of NDT techniques to safeguard operations, minimize production losses, and prevent catastrophic failures.
Situations That Call For Maintenance Shutdowns
Prime Inspections’ goal is to limit downtimes by identifying and locating damages before planned shutdowns, enabling more informed maintenance decision-making and targeted planning.
For assets that can only be inspected offline, our NDT experts can come onsite to conduct conventional NDT and/or advanced NDT, including drone NDT for hard-to-reach areas.
In the end, we gather and report all defects that have been detected and need to be repaired.