During the planning stage of a Turnaround, Prime Inspections works closely with our clients to align goals and objectives for the following:
Define the major inspection discovery work that will be required during the shutdown
Anticipate mechanical repairs that may arise during the discovery process
Determine the scope of work and timeline
Address any barriers
We provide turnaround NDT services on assets including piping, storage tanks, rotating equipment, pressure vessels, and valves.
Refinery Turnaround NDT Services
Prime Inspections’ Turnaround NDT Services present owners/operators with the opportunity to perform debottlenecking, process upgrades, and capital project improvements. Our goal is to conduct the activities necessary to keep the plant running safely, reliably, and as efficiently as possible. The cost of a shutdown, turnaround, or outage can be substantial, so we strive to optimize planning and NDT work whenever possible to keep all efforts on budget and on time.
Our Turnaround NDT Services cover all refinery assets, including piping, storage tanks, pressure vessels, pressure-relief devices, and rotating equipment in compliance with each component’s specific API guideline.
Assets Applicable To Turnarounds
Target Underlying Problems
Weld Flaws
Wall Thinning
Metallurgical Discontinuities
Our Turnaround Process
During the Planning & Engineering phase, we begin planning schedules and coordinating resources to ensure that personnel, budgets, equipment, and access points are available to accomplish the turnaround objectives safely and efficiently.
Other crucial steps in the planning process include:
Define the major inspection discovery work that will be required during the shutdown
Anticipate mechanical repairs that may arise during the discovery process
Establish objectives and milestones
Navigate any organizational or situational barriers
We provide certified, qualified, and knowledgeable inspectors on every job. We ensure each inspector is API, AWS, and ASNT certified and provide training if needed.
Depending on the scope of the Turnaround, our comprehensive NDT services include:
Automated Ultrasonic Testing (AUT)
Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
Penetrant Testing (PT)
Radiographic Testing (RT)
Traditional Film
Computed Radiography (CR)
Digital Radiography (DR)
Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
Visual Testing (VT)
Real-Time Radiography (RTR)
Phased Array (PAUT) – UTPA
Time of Flight Diffraction (ToFD)
Shear Wave - UTSW
CUI Detection and Assessment
Following all NDT activities, we will provide a Turnaround Inspection Report for each piece of equipment involved. The report will detail:
A Summary Report for each component, including:
Inspection Results and the work that was completed,
Daily Reports submitted by each inspector at the end of the shift,
as well as any New Risk Evaluations
Any Anticipated Work to be expected at the next service interval
And any Recommend Solutions moving forward