Technical Support
With key locations around the US, Prime Inspections offers administrative and technical support to keep projects running efficiently and on schedule. Our Technical Support extends to:
Procedure Preparation
Project Management
Training and Qualifications
Service Personnel Mobilization
Our consulting experts bring decades of NDT expertise to keep your plant in production, in compliance, and operating continuously. Our consulting services include the following:
Mechanical Integrity Programs
Integrity Assessments
Process Safety Management (PSM) Compliance
Reliability & Maintenance
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Assessments
Procedure Preparation
We ensure that the methods used for preparing and cleaning welds and NDT procedures are to be to the satisfaction of the surveyor. This includes:
Removal of slag from all completed welds
All welds and adjacent base metal are cleaned by wire brushing or other suitable means prior to inspection
Ensuring ideal surface conditions to prevent misinterpretations and false rejections of the weld area of interest
Project Management
Our Project Management approach focuses on four key areas:
Detailed Planning
Optimizing Performance/Production
Transparent Documentation
Excellent Communication
Training & Qualifications
It’s important to us that our service personnel have the knowledge and experience needed for the job. All NDT technicians are provided with the necessary training and qualifications before deployment.
Service Personnel Mobilization
We have a strong network of qualified industry personnel ready to be deployed with little notice. By maintaining positive working relationships and providing training when needed with industry professionals, we can leverage top-tier personnel from around the US to send onsite at a moment’s notice.